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Attendance Plummets in U.S. Schools, Leaving Millions of Children Without Education

After the pandemic closures, in-person schooling resumed but with noticeable changes. School environments became less welcoming and less tolerant, leading to a decline in attendance. Parents and students alike felt unwelcome and unsafe in schools, resulting in a record number of absences. According to data compiled from 40 states and Washington, D.C., over 6.5 million students were chronically absent during the 2021-22 school year, missing at least 10% of the academic year. This is a significant increase from the pre-pandemic rate of 15%. The effects of these absences are far-reaching and can lead to learning setbacks and higher dropout rates.

The reasons for chronic absenteeism are varied, including financial challenges, housing instability, illness, transportation issues, staffing shortages, anxiety, depression, and bullying. Additionally, the shift to online learning has also contributed to a decline in regular attendance, as some parents and students no longer see the value of attending school in person. The effects of chronic absenteeism go beyond missed instruction; students also miss out on essential support services, meals, counseling, and socialization.

Communities of color and low-income students have been disproportionately affected by chronic absenteeism. The data reveals that absences were more prevalent among Latino, Black, and low-income students. This disparity highlights the systemic challenges that these communities face and the need for targeted support to address their specific needs.

Unfortunately, chronic absenteeism is not solely a result of the pandemic. The issue existed prior to the pandemic, but the current crisis has exacerbated it, making it even more urgent to address. Schools must work towards creating inclusive and supportive environments that foster learning and ensure the well-being of all students. Efforts should focus on addressing the underlying causes of chronic absenteeism and providing targeted support to at-risk students and families.

Perspective: Chronic absenteeism in schools is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. While the pandemic has certainly contributed to the increase in absences, it has also exposed existing inequities and challenges in the education system. As we work towards recovery, it is crucial to prioritize attendance and create an educational environment that values every student and provides the necessary support to help them succeed. By addressing the underlying causes of chronic absenteeism and implementing targeted interventions, we can ensure that all children have access to quality education and the opportunity to thrive.

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