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Joe Biden Rejects Impeachment Probe: ‘I Have Work to Do’

President Biden dismissed impeachment talk on Wednesday, stating that he will focus on his job and not what he considers a political stunt.

This was his first public response since House Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry on Tuesday. Biden waved off concerns about the impact it could have on his presidency.

During a campaign fundraiser in Virginia, Biden said, “Well, I’ll tell you what. I don’t know quite why, but they just knew they wanted to impeach me. Now, best I can tell, they want to impeach me because they want to shut down the government.”

He continued, “Everybody always asks about impeachment. I get up every day not focused on impeachment, I’ve got a job to do. I’ve got to deal with issues that affect the American people every single solitary day.”

Republicans have accused Biden of benefiting from his son Hunter Biden’s foreign business ventures while he was vice president. They claim that Biden used his influence to unlawfully profit from his son’s business dealings.

The White House strongly denies any wrongdoing on Biden’s part and states that Republicans have not presented any evidence to suggest otherwise or to implicate the president in Hunter Biden’s business activities.

The launch of a formal probe gives the House more subpoena and investigative powers, enabling committees to obtain bank statements and other documents related to the Biden family’s business dealings.

Unique Perspective: With the impeachment inquiry launched against President Biden, it is evident that political tensions are still high. Biden’s response to dismiss the impeachment talk and emphasize the importance of focusing on his job reflects his determination to address the issues that impact the American people. As the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen how it will affect Biden’s presidency and the overall political landscape.

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